NameShow support all the current mainstream domain name transaction. There are transaction platforms such as PayPal, Escrow, Sedo, AfterNic, Dan, Godaddy, etc, for your selection. Although different transaction platforms may have differences in details, the principle of the process is the same. Here we only use Paypal as an example to explain the trading methods and processes of the platform.
If you need to know more transaction methods, please refer to: Domain Transaction Methods.
PayPal is currently the most popular and secure transaction payment platform in the world, with instant payment and instant payment. There is also PayPal buyer protection, so you can buy your favorite domain name without worry.
PayPal Buy Transaction Process
1. Visit the domain you want to buy. As shown below, click thePayPal Buybutton.
2. On the pop-up page, as shown below, SelectPayPalorCredit Cardtab according to your choice.
3. Filling in the form, ensure the consistency, and then Checkout.
4. Jump to PayPal, as shown below, and complete operation by prompt step by step.
5. Jump back to our website and complete the order.
6. We transfer the domain name to you according to the transfer method of your choice.
Well, congratulations! Transaction is complete safely and securely.
Further Explanations:
• Even if you do not have an PayPal account, you can pay via your credit card.
• Please choose "Domain Transfer" for the Transfer Method, unless the domain supports "Domain Push".
• In the third step, please remember to fill in the Message text box:
▪ Note your registrar name if you choose 'Domain Transfer'.
▪ Note your ID on your registrar if you choose 'Domain Push'.
Other Ways to Purchase
As mentioned above, NameShow support all the current mainstream domain name transaction. There are transaction platforms such as PayPal, Escrow, Sedo, AfterNic, Dan, Godaddy, etc, for your selection. After switching to the Chinese interface, you can choose chinese transaction platforms such as Aliyun, 22.CN, Ename, 4.CN, etc. Our system will automatically recommend the purchase method according to the domain name. At the same time, more transaction methods are provided in More Methods for buyers to compare and choose. For more details about purchase methods, please refer to: Domain Transaction Methods.
If you need to customize other transaction methods, you can contact our customer service for consultation and communication.